Sunday, November 4, 2012

A BIG Announcement

As of Friday 11/2/12 I am no longer employed at NAFI (North America Family Institute) as an MST (multisystemic) therapist. I have had very mixed emotions about this big new change in our life but we feel that it's the best for us at this point.
So here's the run down with why I even decided to switch jobs.... Back in July I started a 2nd job at the outpatient clinic seeing 3-4 clients per diem. I have very much enjoyed being back in a clinic setting and realized I would eventually like to be back into a clinical outpatient setting sooner rather than later. At the rate I was getting face-to-face clinical hours at NAFI, it seemed like that was further away than ever. I spoke to my supervisor of the outpatient clinic about getting more hours so that I could license faster. She encouraged me to look into the other programs that Boys and Girls Village (BGV) offers, and even further encouraged me to apply for the IICAPS case coordinator position. After looking at 3 different programs within BGV and interviewing for all the positions, I decided that IICAPS was the most flexible, the least model adherent, and would help me achieve my goal of licensing ASAP. So I took the IICAPS Case Coordinator position and will start on 11/14/12, the day after I take my licensing exam! YIKES!
A little bit about what the new job entails: IICAPS stands for Intensive In-home Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Services. Instead of working with families that have youth that are involved in the juvenile justice system as I did with NAFI, I will now be working with families that have a youth with psychiatric issues which can range from ADHD to Bi-polar, to mood disorders to schizophrenia. Needless to say it will be a good learning opportunity for me and I will be able to grow in this new position. In this new position I will also be responsible for supervising 3 teams of therapists in how to best help the families they are serving. I have always wanted to be a supervisor of therapy and this will certainly give me the opportunity to find out if it's something that I like or not...
Wish me luck! I will certainly need it as I take on this new endeavor!


Unknown said...

Wow!!!! Bless you my child! The world needs souls like you!

Emily M said...

I hadn't heard until I read this. That is great! Good luck with everything!

Natalie said...

I hadn't heard either, but it sounds awesome...for you. I can't even imagine doing such a job, but I'm glad you are up for the challenge! You will do great. We love you and are so glad you survived the storm!

Scott and Heidi said...

Wow Chels! I am impressed--this sounds like a great job for you! I can't wait to hear all about it!! Good luck with your exam! I take mine 2 days after you :) Good thoughts going your way!