Thursday, September 1, 2011

Moving East Part 2

After Carthage we headed to Kirtland, Ohio. Kirtland has a very special spirit there. I never realized that the so much of the beginning history of the church happened in Kirtland. Usually I only think of Nauvoo but the church was very much established when the got to Nauvoo. There is not as many things to see and do in Kirtland but the buildings and things that are there are amazing. There is something about the buildings that you can just tell that very special things happened there. The Savior himself appeared in Kirtland that is recorded than anywhere else: 1. The Kirtland Temple 2. The School of the Prophets (an upper room in the Whitney Store) 3. In a little log cabin at the Morley farm and in each of these places there is a reverence about them. The first place we went in Kirtland was the Johnson Farm. The Prophet and Emma stayed here in Hiram, OH for about one year. It was during his stay here that the prophet was pulled from this home and tarred and feathered on the front porch with Emma and their two adopted twins watching. The Prophet also had his own private study room and it was here that the inspiration came to make the Doctrine and Covenants. Sister Johnson liked lots of color so the paint you see on the wall is original - I think she must have been a very cheerful woman.
The Prophets Office
The house is original
The house with the stage house - all original
The Kirtland Temple is owned by the Community of Christ and you can take tours through it. We did but you can't take pictures inside the building so we don't have any pictures inside but here's a view of the outside. The inside of the temple is beautiful and it is quite something to be able to look at the wood work done by the saints at that time with no power tools!
The Whitney store is the original store that was present at the time of the saints in Kirtland. I can just imagine the Prophet walking into the store or not even getting inside, standing on the porch, getting caught in there for hours because everyone wanted to talk to him. The prophet did stay in an upper room of the store for some time as well as had his own office and a room for the School of the Prophets. The Whitney's sure did take care of them.
The Whitney home is also original to the time The Johnson Inn, the Saw Mill, and the Ashery are all rebuilt buildings that we toured in Kirtland
Johnson Inn
Saw Mill
This table is original to the Smith Family
The ORIGINAL Book of Abraham Fascimile 1!!! It was VERY cool to be able to see the original. Next it was on to Palmyra..... There is not a lot in Palmyra to see because when Joseph finally did get the plates and began translating he had to leave because of the persecution from the people in the area. There is the original store that the Book of Mormon was printed in.
outside the store
the front part of the store where things were sold
The printing press
The Martin Harris Farm
Joseph's Brother, Alvin's headstone
The Hill Cumorah
Smith's Log Home
Smith's Frame Home
My interpretation....
The Peter Whitmer Log Home The Smith Family farm with the Sacred Grove is unforgettable. The Sacred Grove is so peaceful and there is just an overwhelming calming feeling that presides in that Grove. It was good to be able to spend some time there in reflection about the things that we had seen on our journey and the amazing things that were done to preserve and bring word the Word of God. I am so very thankful to live in a time when the fullness of the gospel is on the earth. I now have a greater appreciation for what the Saints went through and the man that Joseph Smith was and the example that he is to all of the Saints still.

1 comment:

Scott and Heidi said...

Wow. This would be an awesome trip! I am pretty jealous, and I'm kind of embarrassed to admit, but I learned quite a lot from reading this post! We miss you guys already!