Monday, February 11, 2013

Nemo 2013

Since moving to Connecticut just over a year ago we have "survived" two hurricanes and now a Nor'Easter. We are no strangers to snow but holy smokes! This is the most snow I have seen fall in one fell swoop. It was insane!
Here's our version of what he experienced as the snow fell. They started calling for some pretty severe snow fall on about Tuesday and really started talking about it on Wednesday. Everyone gets all upset when there is snow here - you'd think we lived on a tropical island somewhere that never sees snow because people really do start freaking out about snow. But this was pretty legit - On Thursday evening after Young Women's and school we headed over to the Hogan's house because Dave and Teresa went to NYC for their anniversary and we were "teen tending". Their school was canceled on Friday morning so we stayed up late Thursday night watching TV. Brett and I had to go to school and work on Friday. Brett's school was shut down at 11 am and my work shut down at 1 pm. I finally made it back home about 2 pm, at which point there was about 2 - 4 inches on the ground, and we settled right in. We watched the first 3 Star Wars movies and by the time we went to bed at about midnight there was at least a foot to a foot-and-a-half of snow.
When we woke the next morning it had thankfully stopped snowing and the sun was starting to come out. We had about 3 feet, 3 1/2 feet in some areas of snow! It was truly amazing to see. We started "digging out" at about 10 am and Brett didn't finish snowblowing until about 2 pm. He was beat.
We had the driveway cleared but the cul-de-sac that the Hogan's house was on had not been cleared yet. Dave and Teresa arrived home, parked at a neighbors house and then proceeded to hike through the snow to the house - which I might add was quite amusing to watch. Dave was determined to get the van into the driveway so he plowed himself a tunnel from his driveway to the street. And he did it!
Back at the house, we had heard from our landlord's that their roads weren't clear and there was no way that we were going to make it home unless we wanted to hike through the snow. So we stayed one more night at the Hogan's. Church was canceled on Sunday and the girls decided to make the most of a chick flick day and watched the 6 hour version of Pride and Prejudice. It was perfect!
We got word that the driveway was being cleared and the street had been somewhat plowed so we decided to brave the elements and head out in the snow. We made it the 3 miles to our house but just barely! We shoveled some more when we finally made it home and are now enjoying an additional day off of school and work! Yippee!  What crazy things we have experienced while living in CT.

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