Because he'd already opened all of his presents and we went out for birthday dinner to Savannah's BBQ Grill on Saturday after the Priesthood session (which is EXCELLENT by the way and if you haven't tried it - you should) I thought I needed to do something on his actual day to help make him feel special. I tried REALLY hard.... and failed miserably!
First off, I went over to my in-laws because I'm working on a project and needed their computer. So I threw some cake batter together, (by this I mean, I cut the plastic bag it was in and dumped 3 different ingredients in and stirred it together, of course, breaking a sweat while doing all of that), I forgot to check and see if anything was in the oven before turning it on and a few minutes later, smelling a burning smell, realized that there was a plastic spatula and frying pan in the oven. OOPS! I grabbed the closest thing I could find (dish rag) and grabbed the plastic spatula - BAD IDEA! It stuck right too it. After getting that taken care of, I put the cake in and got back to work on my project. A few minutes later there was a sweet aroma in the air. About 15 minutes later, there is once again, a BuRniNg smell coming from the kitchen. I go to see what could possibly be wrong now.... Sure enough, the cake had boiled over the sides of the pan and was spilling everywhere inside of the oven.... Great! Just a reminder, this is NOT my oven... Well great, what am I going to do now?!? I checked their pantry for a new cake mix - they had a few but not two that are the same. I need two because I'm taking it to Brett at LAX practice and there are about 40 people that are going to want some. Find a brownie mix buried in the back of my pantry, run to the Newton Market to pick up a second package, run back to in-laws, clean up the cake disaster, and threw the brownies in the oven.
Meanwhile, the whole time I'm thinking that the project in the next room is working out just fine.... NOPE! Everything is going disastrous in there too! UGH!
Finally, the brownies come out alive and finally smelling oh so tasty. At least I can still attempt to make Brett feel loved on his birthday.
When I show up to practice, he is just about to do agility drills with the players, when he blew his whistle for them to start, instead of starting they proceeded to chase his down, tackle him to the ground, and then the whole team doggie-piled him. It was great. It all happened so fast that I wasn't able to set down the tray of brownies in time to get to my camera so you'll just have to trust me that it happened. But here are a few pictures of the FINALLY successful birthday brownies for Brett. Whew!
Happy Birthday Sweetheart. I love you!
YAY! Happy Birthday to my sweet little brother! :) I love the cake/brownies story. it's always so frustrating when you're trying to pull something great off and it doesn't go as planned. It seems like it all turned out great, though, so all is well! Brett did get quite the birthday haul and I loved the pictures. :)
What a great wife!! Brett did get quite the haul for the day of his birth!! It must be a Petersen thing being so excited about birthdays and presents. I am glad the brownies finally turned out. Those moments are so frustrating!
Wow sis, way to go! Don't worry, I have those moments every now and then too! Glad the final result turned out edible! :)
Pretty hot boots there Brett! And the whole outfit, now that is one for the scrapbooks!
Glad Bretty boy had a good day! Love you two!
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