Monday, November 30, 2009


I know that all of you have been dying from anxiety to find out if I was actually the winner of the Long Tail Feather Contest in Newton, Utah. Well, worry no longer....
That means that I get a German Short-haired puppy. We talked to the person who was giving away the dog and said that it wasn't really feasible for us to have a puppy right now. He kindly told us that we could have the pick of the litter when we decide that we would like a puppy. As soon as we move out to Newton, which will probably be in about May, we will be anxiously awaiting the arrival of those puppies!
Oh and I guess I should comment on what great Thanksgiving Holiday we had. Brett was a little bit of a scrooge. He wasn't the biggest fan of putting up lights or decorating for the Christmas season. But he was a trooper and made it through. I love the holidays!We had such a great time with the family and really enjoyed the time we were able to spend with them.
Now we're back to school and I'm wishing there would not have been a break. My brain has been turned off for almost a week and I can't focus anymore. Fortunately, I only have a few more things to finish up until I can relax for about a month. Sadly, Brett will be pretty dang busy for the next week and a half. Then we can take much needed, nearly one whole month off from school. Lucky for me, I will be doing lots of reading during that time but I luckily it will be reading that interests me and that I don't absolutely HAVE to do....
YAHOO! The holiday season has arrived and I could NOT be HAPPIER! :)
One more thing: USU plays BYU on Wednesday at the spectrum -


Natalie said...

What a huge honor to win the contest and the puppy! We are so proud of you. (Even if you continue to make me look like a bad wife.) Garrett is going to love that dog!

The Thanksgiving break was so much fun with everybody--I'm already looking forward to Christmas!

The Jones Family said...

Way to go Chels! So excited for you and can't wait to meet the new puppy. Can't wait to see you...counting down the days!

Emily M said...

I am such proud of you for this major victory! :) We did have a good Thanksgiving- it was fun to spend time with everyone- even if Brett wasn't too excited about helping with the lighs- they did a great job and the lights look awesome!!